Hey everyone!
Nothing big yet! We’re still gaming too much it seems 😛
Anyway, Paramike took the time to convert Piko3D and all it’s dependencies to Visual Studio 2013!
We’re using Visual Studio 2013 Community edition right now! It’s free an pretty awesome 😀
I was hard at work on a map/dictionary addon for Angelscript. I was making good progress, but when I asked Andreas (The man behind angelscript) for some tips, he pointed me to Sami Vuorela’s “Angelscript Addon: Template Containers“, or AATC! It’s a set of angel script addons that provides implementation and bindings for the most familiar C++ stl container types! Seems like he beat me to it 😉 Since it nicely shares code between the different containers, we decided use AATC instead of building our own.
Meanwhile, Micron has been working on his character controller class from time to time, and it’s shaping up to be a really nice thing.
Hopefully we can show you more of that, in the form of a new video, soon.
Alas peeps! Progress is slow, but we’re making nice stuff, and we’re enjoying ourselves 😉
Talk to you later!
Tags: Angelscript, Progress, Visual Studio