Posts Tagged ‘physics’

Still moving along ;)

Friday, December 27th, 2024

Hi Everyone!

Just thought I’d post something to share some updates.
Piko3D is still mainly a hobby, but it’s certainly not dead!

Currently working on an extension for Visual Studio Code, that connects to Piko3D using a socket, to provide debugging functionality, for Angelscript. Angelscript has amazing functions to support a debugger like this, but having it in VSCode has been amazing.

Simple things, like being able to click on an error in the console, to be taken to the correct source file and line, was already an improvement, and seeing it break on breakpoints has also been great. Still working on improving the call stack reporting, and also want do add watches, and evaluation.

Feels good to be working on tools for a change, and it’s already paying off.
Hopefully it will help us have a nice new demo at the next Revision Demo Party!

Meanwhile, micron is working on our own physics engine implementation. It’s a huge and impressive task, but surely interesting. Really eager to see what comes of it, but it will take some time.

That’s it for now!
Thanks for reading, and hopefully more news soon!


Physics: Animation and Ragdoll

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Hey everyone!

[youtube_sc url=5vVAh_t3P2Q width=240]

We have another video for you to watch. Micron worked his ass off to get animation and physics to work together! We’re still improving, but we now have support for Bone animations with Physics, and Ragdoll support! And it looks awesome 🙂

Currently, this is all done with ODE, but we’re thinking about switching to Bullet physics, since ODE seems a bit dead in the water.

If you paid attention, you can see that the video also shows the real time spotlight shadows I implemented. They’re very simple at the moment, but they look good already. I’m currently working on Directional lights and I hope we can have a new lighting video up soon 🙂

Keep ya posted!
