Hey everyone!
Yep! we’ve been out of it for a couple of weeks.. I just bought a new house and such! lots to do!
Well progress is kinda slow in general I guess 🙂 But we’re still having fun working on Piko3D so when we get the chance,
we get together have a good time coding!
Last week, Paramike fixed some script bindings and tried get the old screen and camera classes going in script. We’re switching most of the control structure to angel script now, and some of the bindings are still a bit wonky/experimental!
This week, Micron and me had a few beers and did some coding on input handling and bone animation. There are some architectural issues that Micron is tackling now, and I added about 250 key-code enums to script! Soon we’ll be able to register and handle key bindings and mouse movements etc. Piko3D uses most of the messages from SDL 1.3 so far (Kudos to the guys from SDL for their continued work on SDL 1.3!)
I promised you guys a little guide on Angelscript right? Well I’m still up to my ass in boxes right now, and working on the couch on my laptop… I’ll get to it once I got my computer set up again 😀 We’re working on the house, and I can tell you, since yesterday there IS light and electricity in the “office”! I still have to get a LAN-cable up there, and the floor needs to be put in, but hey! We’re getting somewhere! 😉
Well that’s it for now!
Talk to ya later!