Archive for the ‘Tutorials’ Category

New Tutorial: Space Partitioning!

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

Hey everyone!

Today I’m glad to anounce that we have another TUTORIAL up! Paramike wrote a tutorial for you people on why and how Piko3D does its spacepartitioning, and the octree we’ve created for it of which we all think its awesome 😉

You can now find it in the tutorial section or click here

In the meantime: we’re not sitting still either!  I’m currently working on finally REALLY implementing scripting. We’re refactoring our smartpointer/refcounting system a bit so Piko3D can seamlessly combine it’s own refcounting with that of Angelscript!

Rendering is still making progress thanks to Seriva, and Micron is implementing a simiple MD5 Model loader right now so we can easily get some  basic input and testing material for bone animation!

That’s all for now folks!!
Talk to you later!

Kind regards,


New Tutorial added: Placement new operator

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

Added another tutorial today about the placement new operator.

You can find the tutorial in the tutorial section or click HERE

This is a more advanced c++ topic discussing how you can properly construct an object in a user allocated memory block. There’s a lot that you can do wrong here, so this is a topic for the more advanced C++ programmer. Enjoy.

First Tutorial is up!

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Tadaaa! My first every tutorial is up, and with this, I officially open Piko3D’s tutorial section!! 😀 There are more tutorials to come, but for now, you can check out my first tutorial on how to load PNG files from file streams using the more advanced functions in LibPNG. Go over to the Tutorial Page and have a look 😀

P.S. Looks like I need to put some time in fixing the CSS for these posts headers and footers 😀